Ended Clement started his music career at Christ Apostolic Church Tire 1 . He fell in love with music as far back as childhood as he was introduced to the record. Then later his music director, Pastor Dry. Kowloon seasonal introduced him to Mr.. Titus Ignominy, who then was the principal violist with the prestigious MUNSON Symphony Orchestra. There and then He commenced his first training on the viola with Mr.. Titus. During his Church choir (Christ Apostolic Church) and Orchestra performances f “The Messiah by G. F. Handel, Elijah, Esther, The twelfth Mass by Mozart, Judas Macaques.

In addition he enjoys an ever-growing reputation as a Violist, Graphic Design and Chamber musician and teacher. In 2009, he was awarded full scholarship by Munson MINT Foundation In conjunction with Munson Diploma School (a two yr scholarship) to studied music In Munson Diploma School of Music. Encouraged by Mr.. Gunnels, he enrolled and was admitted Into MUNSON Diploma School of Music here he received lessons under the tutelage violist from Ghana, Mr.. Amah. He has grade seven Munson theory and grade seven ABRAM practical and has been performing with the prestigious MUNSON Symphony Orchestra as a principal violist “here he still plays till date.

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He started with King’s David Quartet as a violist but, presently violist of the Golden String Quartet (GAS), the group that has raised the level of string playing and performances to a reasonable standard, home and aboard. He is also a certified Suzuki teacher to train kids in Suzuki method. He was sent for training in German Suzuki Institute in Bonn, Germany. He intends to further improve his skills and techniques on the viola, and working toward becoming a respected violist and musicologist. Recent concert engagements include appearances with the Munson Symphony Orchestra under the tutelage and prestigious German cellist Conductor Mr.. Thomas