The feeling of centrality of one note to a passage of music.
A collection of pitches chosen for a particular piece.
An interval of 8 notes.
A sequence of notes that form a unit in music, each leading sensibly to the next.
Imitative Polyphony
A musical texture describing two or more simultaneous melodic lines using the same or quite similar melodies, but with staggered entrances.
Refers to pieces constructed with a voice comprised of a color and a talea.
Not characterized by rhythmic beat patterns.
A polyphonic, secular composition with at least one Latin text.
A decorative phrase or passage in vocal music, in which one syllable of text is sung to a melodic sequence of several notes.
Pope Gregory the Great

Directed a codification of Christian practices, so they would be brought to universal conformity.


Earliest type of polyphony, consisting of a plainchant melody with one of more additional melodic lines sung simultaneously to the same words.
Renaissance Period
Main intellectual outlook that fueled the Renaissance period.
Composer whose compositional style was stimulated by the action of the “Council of Trent” and the atmosphere fo the Counter-Reformation
Parallel Organum
Has lines that are parallel at the 4th and 5th intervals.
Free Organum
Has one voice held constant and other voices free to move independently.
Ars Nova
New art or new technique
A writer or singer of lyric verses about courtly love who entertained the upper classes in parts of Europe during the 11th to 13th centuries.
When words are set in music by incorporating rhythms and melodies that approximate normal speech patters
Early Modernism
Period from 1452-1600
Church modes
Scales organized around other pitches, different from the modern major or minor scales used today.
Roman de Fauvel
Book about the donkey Fauvel with magical power to grant wishes when anyone combs or curries his coat.
Alleluia from the Mass for Christmas Day
Medieval, sacred, monophonic
Perotin: Ysaisa cecinit
Medieval, polyphonic, conductus, sacred
Bernart de Ventadorn: Can vei la lauzeta mover
Medieval, secular
Philippe de Vitry: Garrit Gallus/Nova Fert
Medieval, secular but alludes to the Bible, isorhythmic motet
Palestrina: Pope Marcellus Mass, Agnus Dei
Renaissance, sacred
Giaches de Wert: Vezzosi augelli
Renaissance, madrigal, secular
Medieval Period
Strophic Form
Elaborates a piece of music by repetition of a single formal section.