Briefly define the term Baroque
Baroque is a period from 1600-1750. It was very dramatic, flamboyant, decorative, and emotion in the arts. Music, literature, and story telling all helped or were a part of the music
Outline at least three socio-economic influences on the Baroque era
Counter Reformation was a movement towards the church. Although the Reformation from before that time played a role, the counter Reformation played a big role. Also, the 30 Year War was also a big influence because people didn’t want to worry about fighting, but it brought them back to the church
Briefly describe the functions of Baroque music
One function of Baroque music was to get music out of solely the church and focus more on the instrumental aspect than the vocal aspect. Another function was to tell a story without people or props or like an opera with people, props, and lighting
When was the Baroque era?
Who were the two giants of Baroque composition?
Bach and Handel
By about 1680, what kind of scales were the tonal basis of most compositions, replacing the church modes
Major and minor
True or false: Instrumental music became as important as vocal music for the first time in the late Baroque
True or false: Baroque melodies often are elaborate and ornamental
The sudden change from one dynamic level to another
Terrace dynamic
What are the main keyboard instruments of the Baroque?
Harpsichord and the clavichord
What family of instruments was perfected by Corelli during the Baroque
A piece that sounds fairly complete and independent but is part of a large composition
True or false: A large court during the Baroque might employ as many as 80 performers
Where did the ordinary citizen’s opportunity to hear music come from during the Baroque?
How many movements does a Concerto or Concerto grosso have?
What are the tempo markings of the movements of a concerto or concerto grossos?
Fast, slow, fast
A polyphonic composition based on one main theme, a cornerstone of Baroque music
The main theme of fugue
A play, set to music, sung to orchestral accompaniment, with scenery, costumes and action
The text, or book, of a dramatic work
A song for solo voice with orchestral accompaniment which usually allows the soloist to “show of”
A vocal line that imitates the rhythms and pitch fluctuations of speech
True or false: Since its beginnings in Italy around 1600, opera has spread to many countries and remains a powerful form of theatre today
The person who beats time, indicates expression, cues in musicians and controls the balance among instruments and voices
An orchestral composition performed before the curtain rises on a dramatic production
True or false: Antonio Vivaldi is closely identified with the musical life of Venice
True or false: Vivaldi wrote around 450 concertos or concerto grossos
Where was the longest period of Bach’s professional life spent as Director of Music at St. Thoma’s Church
True or false: Bach was recognized as the most eminent composer during his life
Bach created masterpieces in every Baroque form except which form?
True or false: In bach’s time, the Lutheran Church service was the social event of the week and lasted about four hours
True or false: Music was not a significant part of the Lutheran service
A small version of an oratorio, generally performed in churches
True or false: Oratorio differs from opera in that it has no acting, scenery or costumes
Handel’s “Messiah” is an example of what?
Handel was born in 1685, the same as who?
Handel spent the major portion of his life where?
True or false: Handel’s oratorios are usually based on the Old Testament