What is the name of the device that we use to edit the work print and mag stock when we are cutting on film?
Flat bed editor
_____________ are used in ambience sound design to break up the monotony and provide details in the ambience being designed
random accents
the_______________ is a categorized list of sounds to be recorded for a vehicle during the field recording process.
vehicle work up
Whenever we use a plug-in, our outboard piece of gear that we may not have in other room we’re going to have on our sound designs in, we typically record down the sounds with the plug-ins/outboard gear written into the waveform. what do we call this process?
the______________ system of archiving field recording is typically used for analog recording archival.
topic roll cue
in a screenplay, where do we look to find information about backgrounds we will use?
screen headers
the fundamental frequencies of a males voice are 80-______Hz
where in a professional sound design session would we find information about which channels on the re-recording console we will eventually route our sound design tracks into?
track names
what do we call the process of nudging the work track against the guide track until a swirling sound is heard?
we must always ___________ our sound effects recorded in the field to avoid unnecessary/unwanted popping at the edges of the sounds
the ________ perspective i ambience design is very close to the character and is very detailed, and specific.
fore ground
sound effects are considered to be the __________ of a movie
a ___________ is a document used in a foley session to help organize what foley will be recorded, where it will be recorded, and how long it will be recorded.
foley cue sheet
the ______________ perspective in ambiance design is the farthest away from the listening perspective, typically exhibiting vague ambiences used to describe a general location.
back ground
dialog is considered to be the ___________ of a movie.
Analogue machines like the __________ are really useful because they have a very wide dynamic range that is useful for recording things like gunshots and explosions.
the ______________ is typically not very useful in sound design as it doesnt usually sound “big” enough
original sound source
which stereo mic pattern is useful for recording in quieter locales?
x y
what is another term for the common clock, or house sync, we will use to make all of our gear have the same speed reference?
which method in walking/running will convey a sense of forward motion in footsteps?
heel to toe
in a professional sound design session (Such as the on we saw in “the day after tomorrow”), where in protools would we find info about what sorts of sounds on tracks?
the digital archival system used for cd’s, dats, and a modified version of which is used for computer archiving, is called the
linear number system
what is the term for adding processed, subconscious, and subharmonic elements to a sound design?
the templates used for backgrounds are called the __________.
Skeleton tracks.
when we take elements of a sound design and combine them down according to their panning assignments, or simply bounce the whole sound design down to a single 5.1 track, what do we call it?
GVG, CMX 3600, and Sony 3600 are all examples of __________
what format do we find production audio on while we are cutting a film?
mag stock
____________ changes overlap by 1 frame
scene changes overlap by ___________ frames
the ____________ perspective in ambience design is “in the room” with the character, and is less specific than the closest perspective, but is still very detailed
mid ground
_____________ sounds are sounds that describe cognitive ideas, relate to emotional states, and can even describe pigments of color.
dialogue is most intelligible at ________- 90dB
70 dB
at a post facility, we will have a common “clock” between all the devices we use. some terms for this clock house sync and ________
video reference
when we cannot see a characters feet we will watch their _____________ and shoulders.
what is the frame-rate for audio recorded on the set while shooting a film?
30 fps
We _________ fade ambiences we have recorded as they will be looped later, and adding fades reduces the amount of useful audio we will have later.
we saw a video in class of a certain sound designer talking about his work on Indiana jones. What was the sound designers name?
ben burst
the main sound type used in ambience is_____________
subtle continous loops
___________ is the process of recording without looking at the picture, and is typically done when a sound is going to be used as a custom affect by the sound design team, or when it is a complex sound that will not be easy to record in sync.
wild tracking
What do we call the process of using eq’s, filters, and panning to fit all of the layers in a sound design together
perspective and _______________ are two of the key things we keep in mind when we begin to layer in our sound design.
What is the quick key for protools to move the region to the insert/selection point when it is clicked with the grabber tool.(pc)
control click
Music is considered to be the ___________ of a movie.
what is the name for the 1-frame piece of tone placed two seconds before the first frame of picture?
2 pop
Whose responsibility is it to phase up the production dialogue and prepare the dialogue session for the DX editor.
digital assistant
repetitive sounds heard in backgrounds are said to cause the
washing machine
the AAF format is made up of media data and ________ data.
What is the term for the process of conversion between film and video?
characters talking, sharing the same space should be placed on the __________ dialogue split.
What is the frame rate of american television?
29.97 fps
OMFI media files are made up of the media data and ____________ data.
when using the pop-up take lines list it is important to have _______________ operates on all related takes checked
seperate region
the foley artist will choose the _______ for the session.
how many times is VITC written per frame of video?
the most prominent frequencies of the human voice fall in the range of 1000Hz- ______________ Hz
__________ sounds are literal on screen.
Which microphone pattern has a weak center which can be useful for recording ambiences that can be easily blended with foreground sounds?
spaced pair
After you’re done with the cloth movements, the next item in the foley order of operations is the
foot steps