[a] (bright a)
a before 1 or 2 consonants, aa, ah…
any a except when it’s au
ai, ay, ei, ey
[??] (dark a)
a before one consonant, ah before one other consonant
[?] (no colon)
a before 2 consonants, e before 2 consonants
au, eu
b initially in word or syllable
final b in word, b in -bst
c before a front vowel (e, i, y, a, o, u), z, tz
c before back vowel (a, o, u), -ck, -chs when the s is part of the root word, final g, g before t or st, k
final d in word or syllable, -dt, t, th in same element
e stressed before 1 consonant, ee, eh
e unstressed or as final letter in a word
f, ph, almost every v
g initially in word or syllable, except when it’s a foreign (non-German) word like Genie
ch after front vowel or any consonant, suffix -ig
ch after back vowel
G in words of French origin like Genie, j in words of French origin like Journalist
h initially in word or syllable, (but it’s silent and un-IPA’d when between vowels)
i before 1 consonant, ie, ih, ieh, the i in stressed ending -ik like Musik
i before 2 consonants, in suffixes -in, -nis, -ig, in the unstressed -ik like Lyrik
nearly every j, but not of French origin
ng, n before k (use | between this symbol and the g or k if they are separate elements like hingehen or Ankland)
o before 1 consonant, oo, oh
o before 2 consonants
o before 1 consonant, oh
o before 2 consonants
[ ?r? ] (r with line underneath)
r (always flipped)
s initially in word or between vowels
s when final in word or syllable, ss, ?, the s in both sp and st when not initial
sch, the s in both sp and st at the start of a word or element
sch in 2 elements like Hauschen
th in 2 elements like Rathaus
u before 1 consonant, uh
u before 2 consonants
u before 1 consonant, uh, y before 1 consonant (except for any y with foreign origin like Pyjama [i] or York [j])
u before 2 consonants, y before 2 consonants
w, v in words of French origin