A major or F# minor
Bb major or G minor
C major or A minor
D major or B minor
Eb major or C Minor
F major or D minor
G major or E minor
Bass Clef
A major or F# minor
Bb major or G minor
C major or A minor
D major or B minor
Eb major or C minor
F major or D minor
G major or E minor
Treble clef
2 minums in a bar
2 crotchets in a bar
3 crotchets in a bar
4 crotchets in a bar
2 dotted crotchets (6 quavers) in a bar
3 dotted crotchets (9 quavers) in a bar
4 dotted crotchets (12 quavers) in a bar
Common time (same as 4/4 time)
Cut common time (2/2 time)
1st time bar
2nd time bar
Play 1 octave higher
Play to octaves higher
Grace note : acciaccatura. Also called crushed note.  Fast grace note, little duration

Grace Note : Appogiatura. Long duration grace note.


Breath mark
Coda sign
Cresendo (getting louder)

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Go to the start and play to the finish (‘Fine’)


Decrescendo – getting softer.
Double flat
Double Sharp
Return to the ‘sign’ and then play to the coda
Forte – loud
Fermatta or pause – play for longer than written value
Fortissimo – very loud
Fine – ‘Finish’
Fortepiano – loud then immediately soft
glissando – smooth slide between notes
Marcato (accent) – louder and slightly shorter than regular accent.
mezzo staccato – moderately detached.
mezzo forte – moderately loud
Mordant (lower) – Rapidly play the principal note, the note below it, then return to the principal note for the remaining duration.
Mordant – Rapidly play the principal note, the next higher note (according to key signature) then return to the principal note for the remaining duration.
mezzo piano – moderately soft
Piano – soft
Pedal markings for piano
pianoissimo – very soft
repeat signs
The ‘Sign’ or the ‘Segno’ sign.
Caesura -Indicates a brief, silent pause, during which time is not counted.
Sforzando – strongly accented.
Tinueto – play for full length
Tremelo – A rapidly repeating note
Trill to the the next semitone above
Trill (to the next tone above)
Trill (to the next note above in the key signature)
Turn – a musical decoration.