Looi, Steven. “Effects Music Brain.” Brain Health

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Information, Free Fun Brain Teasers and Puzzles. 2007. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. <http://www.brainhealthandpuzzles.com/effects_


Looi, Steven. “Effects Music Brain.” Brain Health Information, Free Fun Brain Teasers and Puzzles. 2007. Web. 22 Mar. 2011. <http://www.brainhealthandpuzzles.com/effects_


It has been shown over and over again that one of the strongest effects of music on the brain is in the area of memory.
Students of foreign languages were shown to be able to learn hundreds of vocabulary items in one day when listening to appropriate music. they remembered the words over time at a level of 92% retention.
Negative Effects
 Some types of music can cause the brain to lose it’s symmetry between it’s right and left halves, or hemispheres. We’ve all experienced this, when trying to concentrate on a task while loud or otherwise disruptive music is being played. that this can lead to learning disabilities and behavior disruptions in children. generate diminished work capabilities in adults.
music and your health
Alzheimer’s patients have also been shown to benefit mentally from listening to music. Listening to music triggered certain memories to be recalled that had been otherwise forgotten. Parkinson’s patients also benefitted from the effects of music on the brain. Motor skills seemed to improve when some patients were better able to walk while music was being played.