con sord.


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(con sordini)

(strings & brass)

with mutes


senza sord.


(senza sordini)

(strings & brass)

without mutes




play with the bow (a direction after pizzicato)

??? (??? pizzicato ???)






up bow







down bow







sul G



play on G string

? G ???

sul ponticello



play near the bridge







played in one stroke of the bow


una corda



press the left pedal (literally “one string”)

?????? (?? “????”)


tre corda



release the left pedal (literally “three strings”)

?????? (?? “????”)





press / release the right pedal








(mano sinistra / m.s. : left hand)

(mano destra / m.d. : right hand)





spread the notes of a chord quickly, starting from the bottom note
