1451-1522 *Most influential theorist of his time *Incorporated Greek theory into his writings *Subjects: modes, consonance and dissonance, tonal system, word-music relationship, and harmony of the body, mind, and cosmos
1488-1563 *Wrote Dodecachordon which added four new modes. * Aeolian and Hypoaeolian with finals on A *Ionian and Hypoionian with finals on C * These additions reconciled traditional theory with current practice. *Swiss Theorist *Formed basis of tonality. *Theories were adjusted to incorporate harmonies with thirds and sixths.
1435-1511 *Wrote Liber de arte contrapuncti The book on the art of counterpoint *A Flemish composer, he settled in Naples. *He developed strict rules for treatment of dissonance.
wrote Le institutioni harmoniche, in which he refined and synthesized theories on counterpoint, which is the foundation of harmony
Concerto della donne
*Ensemble of ladies, was the most famous professional ensemble. * A trio of three trained singers *Established by the duke of Ferrara *Their performances attracted much attention
Pierre Attaingnant
1490-1552 over fifty collections published by the first French music printer, Printed the single impression printing way *It was fast and easy. Caused little gaps on the staff and was slightly disjointed.
Martin Luther
*Father of the reformation *A singer, composer, and great admirer of Josquin *He believed in the educational and ethical powers of music. *He wanted the congregation to participate in the services. *He retained some aspects of the Catholic liturgy, but altered other. *Much of the service was translated into German, but some portions remained in Latin.
Jean Calvin
1509-1564 rejected the Catholic liturgy, *He believed that music might lead people astray. (puritan belief) *Musical instruments and polyphonic music were forbidden, As well as embellishment and ornamentation *Psalms sung to monophonic tunes was the only music allowed in church. *Prohibited the singing of texts not found in the Bible.
Henry VIII
*In England the king who lead the Anglican Church’s separation from Rome in 1534 occurred more for political than for religious reasons; so English church music was less affected and remained closer to Catholic musical traditions *broke with the Catholic Church in England. (Divorce, bearing male heir) *Created Anglican Church
1561-1613 Prince of Venosa. He published his music, which is rare for an aristocrat. *He is infamous for killing his wife and her lover when he discovered them together in bed. *Known for extreme chromaticism. *His madrigals dramatize the poetry through sharp contrasts between diatonic and chromatic passages, chordal and imitative textures, and slow- and fast-moving rhythmic motives.