Father of the science of acoustics, believed numbers were the key to everything, including music. He recognized the numerical relationships of musical intervals.
the most revered authority on music in the Middle Ages, established 3 types of music—music of cosmos, people, and instruments/voice
Hildegard of Bingen
Woman who achieved great success as a writer and composer. She composed liturgical dramas, one consisting of 82 songs.
Guido of Arezzo
Developed solmization, and a system which each joint on one’s hand stood for one of the 20 notes of the system.
Bernart de Ventadorn
Trubadour who composed strophic pieces, French
Beatriz de Dia
Composed the only surviving song by a trobairitz
Composer who compiled Magnus Liber Organi Notre Dame in France, late 12th/early 13th century—studied at University of Paris
Composer considered the master of discant composition, expanded on teacher’s writings, Successor of French composer, studied at University of Paris.
Philipe de Vitry
Author of the Ars Nova
Guillaume de Machaut
Astute poet and musician, wrote 23 motets, many of which were isorhythmic, and 1 major mass
Francesco Landini
Famous composer of Ballate—about 140, known for specific cadence