Which four composers dominated late Romantic composition?
Brahms, Wagner, Tchaikovsky and Mahler
What language did they all have in common?
German (except Tchaikovsky?)
Why did the French reject this late Romantic style?
Too Loud! Doesn’t have to be loud to be meaningful!
How did Impressionist paintings differ from previous artistic styles?
How did Impressionist paintings differ from previous artistic styles?
Get rid of the realism, suggests, rather than describes.
Which artist developed the style called Pointillism?
Georges Seurat
What is the musical term that we use for the musical equivalent of Pointillism?
Think of Program Music, Klangfarbenmelodie (tone color melody, bell choirs are like this)
In what country was Debussy born?
Debysst rebelled against the fixed forms of earlier music. what two elements did he feel that he could base his new style of music on?
Tone and Color
Who was debyssy’s patroness for the summer when he was 20 years old