“The Red Priest”
Nickname for Vivaldi – due to the color of his hair.
A cappella
Vocal music without instrumental accompaniment.
Part of Opera – main songs, plot stops, highlight of Opera.
Baroque Orchestra
First formed Orchestra based on strings, 10 – 40 in size.
Concerto Grosso
Piece for an orchestra that pits a soloist (or many) against the full orchestra.
Part of opera – 2 – 4 Singers singing back and forth, melody with dialog.
Polyphonic with 3 – 5 melodic choices that follows Subject – Answer – Subject – Answer from all ending together.
Gregorian Chant
Plain Chant/Song – monophonic – texts are most important – mostly non-secular
Part of Mass Ordinary – prayer for mercy – greek language – earliest form.
Secular music with or without instruments set to a poem.
Reenactment of the sacrafice of Christ in – Two Parts – Proper and Ordinary
Minuet & Trio
A B A form in triple meter often in third movement of classical piece.
One sound/melody/voice with no accompaniment.
Motor Rhythm
Contains a constant pulse/beat throughout music.
Similar to Opera, religious in nature, but no sets/costumes or dance.
Part of Mass that remained static
Pope Marcellus
Received a dedicated mass by Palestrina for his abonishment of choir during holy week because of poor vocals.
Part of Opera – Speech dialog sung – advances plot.
1450 – 1600 – Considered rebirth – increase in secular society, science takes hold, merchant class moves up, musicians employed
Music returns within each movement – A B A C A, found within Concertto Grosso.
Sonata Form
Form A B A1 – Exposition in 2 contrasting themes (1 original key, 1 different), Development expressive composition varied off of Theme 1, Recapitulation recaps Theme 1 and 2, but varied slightly, in original key. Found in Concerto and Symphony.
A solo melody that is followed by the answer, part of Fugue.
With each syllabol of chant assigned a note/pitch
Piece of music formed in classical era – multimovement (4 most common) for large orchestra.
Terraced Dynamics
Common in Baroque period, very steady with suddent/quick changes in volume.
Harmony varies in accordance to the text – direct correlation.
First note of the scale/key.