Seventh Chord
Four-note chord built in 3rd (snowman with a hat)
Major Seventh Chord:
Built off a major triad with a major seventh at the top
Dominant Seventh Chord:
Built off a major triad with a lower 7th degree; starts on 5th degree of a scale
Minor Seventh Chord:
Built off the minor triad (lowered 3rd and lowered 7th degrees)
Half Diminished Seventh Chord:
Built of diminished triad with 7th degree a half step lower
Full Diminished Seventh:
Built off diminished triad with 7th degree a whole step lower than normal
5th scale degree
Voice Leading
Process of moving from one chord to another using common tones
Harmonic background to a melody
Common Tones
Pitch that is shared by two different chords (must stay in the same voice!!)
Type of scale that is diatonic in arrangement
Pentatonic Scales
Five-note scale
Blues Scale
Comprised of six notes involving a 1, lowered 3rd, 4, lowered 5, 5, lowered 7, and 8
Two musical phrases dependent on each other for balance
First phrase of a period
2nd phrase of a period
Parallel Period
Phrases within a period that begin the same way
Contrasting Period
Phrases within a pyramid that begin differently
Double Period
Two phrases, separated by a half cadence, that balance each other
Half Cadence
Point of rest at the end of a musical phrase that seems temporary or incomplete (typically ends on V chord)
Full Cadence
Point of rest at the end of a consequent phrase in a period that seems complete and final; almost always ends on tonic I chord
Division of a note into three equal parts (123)
Rhythms created by accented notes that fall between or off beats