no other publication has influenced Christian song as this has; made up of materials from previous psalters; intiated by John Calvin and his belief in singing directly from Scripture; contained 125 diff melodies in 110 diff poetic meter
Genevan Psalter
Calvin’s philosophy on music
simple to people, modest to Sovereign God
recognized value of Christian song to nourish piety and church worship, believed in unison voices for simplicity
influenced Calvin’s metrical psalmody
Calvin’s early collection of metrical psalmody
Strasbourg Psalter
successor of Marot, wrote psalm versifications until 1562 (when a collection of all 150 psalms was prepared for publication)
Issued a collection of all psalms in Dutch, first complete metric psalter in any language
Simon Cock
most sigificant psalter in Germany; wrote Der Psalter I (to be sung in tunes of Genevan psalter)
edited Whole Book of Psalms which later became known as Old Version
John Day
published New Version
Tate and Brady