List the film speaker order.
L, C, R, Ls, Rs, LFE
List the SMPTE speaker order.
L, R, C, LFE, Ls, Rs
List the DTS speaker order.
L, R, Ls, Rs, C, LFE
What kind of interface does the SSL C200 use?
What is it transmitted by?
The SSL C200 uses HUI (Human User Interface).
HUI is transmitted via MIDI.
What kind of interface does the SSL Duality use?
What is it transmitted by?
The SSL Duality uses HUI (Human User Interface).
HUI is transmitted via IP MIDI / Ethernet.
Name the three interchange data file formats.
List them in order from oldest to newest.
AES31 – (Dead)
OMFI – Open Media Framework (File) Interchange (Older)
AAF – Advanced Authoring Format (Newest)

(AAF can have a 720 x 480 video in it)

List six noise reduction methods.
1. Notch Filter
2. Noise Reduction Plugins (e.g. Waves X Noise)
3. Sound Soap
4. Cedar Box
5. Izotope RX
6. Waves WNS
List the two file paths for dakinez.
Setup > Midi Studio > Window Menu > Show Midi

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Setup > Peripherals > Midi Controller

What is the max relative level for Studio B?
What is the max transient peak level for Studio B?
Max Relative Level: (-10dB)
Max Transient Peak Level: (-3dB)
What is a stereo mixdown of a surround 5.1 mix called?
Lt/Rt – Left Total, Right Total
What is the max relative level for Lt/Rt?
What is the max transient peak level for Lt/Rt?
Max Relative Level: (-10dB)
Max Transient Peak Level: (-6dB  –  -8dB)
What can a VCA track do?
A VCA track can act as a group master fader for other tracks without having grouping enabled.