
the notes of a chord played in succession one after the other

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A sequence of notes in ascending and descending order
A supporting background part over which the main part of the song is heard; usually played by the piano
Chord – notes stacked on top of each other and played all at once (at least 3 or more)
Notes stacked on top of each other and played all at once




What is the name for both of the these notes?

Middle C
Key Signature
Tells you which notes to change consistently throughout the entire song


Where on this keyboard are the notes
C-D-E ?



Where on this keyboard are the notes F-G-A-B?



What is this symbol called and what does it do?

Sharp – raises a note by a half step



All of these are examples of what?

Accidentals – symbols written beside a note in order to change it
Natural – cancels the sharp or flat / makes the note “normal”
The distance of 8 steps between two notes – results in reaching from one letter name to the exact same letter name
One note having two names


What is this an example of?

Key Signature
A piece of music where two or more groups play exactly the same meody but starting at different times


What is this symbol called and what does it mean?

Staccato – play the note short
Ledger Lines – extends the staff


The first two notes of this song are called what?

Pick-Up Notes
Describe a WHOLE STEP?
Describe a HALF STEP?

What is it called when a scale goes up and down by half steps only?




What is the pattern of whole/half steps for a MAJOR scale?



What is the pattern of whole/half steps for a MINOR scale?



Which type of scale/key makes happy sounds?



Which type of scale/key makes sad sounds?



Dotted Quarter Note – worth 1.5 counts


What are these called and what do you when you see it in a song?

First & Second Endings


Play the song through the first ending, repeat back to the beginning, play through, then skip the first ending and go to the second and finish the song

To divide into two or more parts
Playing the same exact note/pitch