Grand Staff
Consists of two staves joined together by a brace
Treble Clef
The sign on the upper staff
Bass Clef
The sign on the lower staff
Time Signature
Numbers at the beginning of the music. Tells number of beats per measure and which note gets one beat.
The area between two bar lines
Double Bar Line
Found at the end of a piece
Repeat Sign
A Double bar line with two dots in front of it
Bar Line
Single Vertical lines in a piece
Whole Note
Gets 4 beats
Dotted Half Note
Gets 3 beats
Half Note
Gets 2 beats
Quarter Note
Gets 2 Beat
Quarter Rest
Gets 1 beat of silence
Half Rest
Gets 2 beats of silence
Two beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat
Three beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat
Four beats per measure, quarter note gets one beat
A curved line placed over or under two or more notes. It means to play legato.
Play smooth and connected.
Play the note short or detached. Indicated by a dot over or under the note head.
Curved line that looks like a slur, but it connects two notes that are the same. Play only the first note, but hold it for total number of beats of both notes.
Adding chords to a melody
Key Signature
At beginning of line. Shows sharps or flats in the piece
Piano means soft
Mezzo piano means play medium soft
Mezzo forte means play medium loud
Forte means play loud
8 va
Play one octave higher or lower than written
Melodic Interval
A broken interval where one note is played at a time
Harmonic Interval
A solid interval where both notes are played at the same time
2 Ways to Harmonize
1. by ear (sounds good) 2. by melodic analysis (notes of 5 finger pattern are numbered and analyzed
When to Use I Chord
Use I chord for scale degrees 1,3,5
When to use V7 Chord
Use V7 Chord for scalle degrees 2,4,5
2nd, 3rd., 4th, 5th, 6th…space between notes
D7 Chord Symbol
Means a D major chord plus the interval of a 7th. 4 note chord. D7 = V7 in key of G
Waltz Bass Accompaniment
May be used for pieces in 3/4 meter
Block Chord Accompaniment
Notes of each chord played all at once
Notes are played in succession