No tone, rushing air

1) Lips not together (spread aperture); Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips


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2) Too much Pucker; Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips


3) Dry Lips/Mouthpiece; lick lips/mouthpiece


4) Insufficient air to make lips vibrate; review “sigh” breath and use faster air.

Airy tone (Some airy tone is common until the lip begins to vibrate naturally)

1) Lips not together; Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips


2) Too much lip pucker; Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips

Tight, thin, pinched tone

1)Tense, Excessively pursed lip formation; Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips


2) Too much pucker in lips; Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips but emphasize “M”


3) Tight, closed throat; Review “sigh” breath; suggest yawn with head up.

Stopped (restriced throat or buzz)

1) Tense, excessively pursed lip formation; Re-form and maintain “B” position with lips demphasize pursing lips


2) Too much mouthpiece pressure toward lips; Relax left hand grip; no right hand little finger hook


3) Tight, closed throat; Review “sigh” breath; suggest yawn with head up.