Just by reading his name people should know Immediately who Mine is. But for those people who Ignore It, here are some Important facts about his life and career. Mine Is the first and most famous white rapper since the Beastie Boys. He has been ranked as number 82 In “The Immortals”, an Important list of “Rolling Stones” magazine. HIS pseudonym “Mine” comes from the Initials of his real name: Marshal Bruce Matters Ill. Mine was born in Saint Joseph, Missouri. He never had a stable place to live until he finally settled down in Detroit at the age of 12.

He grew up into a very poor family. His father left them and disappeared right after he was born, but when Mine started to appear on the big screen his father called him asking for money. (He hates his father). Mine was brought up by his mother, Debbie Nelson, with whom he never had a good relationship because of her addiction problems. (He also hates his mother). The lack of love during his childhood has caused him problems keeping stable relationships with other people. For example, he has been married and divorced twice with the same person, Kimberly Scott, with whom he had one dutiful daughter.

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Hex currently single. One of the persons that influenced him the most was his uncle Ronnie. Mine was very close to him and he was the one who introduced him to hip-hop music. Unfortunately, Ronnie killed himself because of a breakup with his girlfriend. This tragedy impacted Mine in an important way, because Ronnie was one of the few persons he’d really relied on. Mine got interested in hip hop while he was in high school. He used to record rap tapes with Ronnie and participate in free style battles at the age of 14. He left the school after falling 9th grade twice.

After participating In several rap battles he Joined a group called Basement, this was the beginning of his great success. The mall fact that marked his career was when he started to work with Dry. Drew, the producer that made him famous after recording his first official album “the Slim Shady W, with this album he became known worldwide. Mine has always projected his feelings and his frustrations into his lyrics. This is something that has characterized him since always. He doesn’t talk only about sex, drugs, and money; in every song he includes memories about his life.

He transmits his pain and his Joy through his music. He has gained plenty of awards that make him a recognized artist. Now days, he’s totally focused on his professional career and his daughter. Mine Biography By Technophobia Just by reading his name people should know immediately who Mine is. But for those people who ignore it, here are some important facts about his life and career. Mine is the first and most famous white rapper since the Beastie Boys. He has been ranked as number 82 in “The immortals”, an important list of “Rolling Stones” magazine.

His pseudonym “Mine” comes from the initials of his real name: beautiful daughter. He’s currently single. Unfortunately, Ronnie killed himself because of a breakup with his girlfriend. This at the age of 14. He left the school after failing 9th grade twice. After participating in several rap battles he Joined a group called Bastion, this was the beginning of his great success. The main fact that marked his career was when he started to work album “the Slim Shady LIP”, with this album he became known worldwide. Something that has characterized him since always. He doesn’t talk only about sex.