Americans are spending money on useless desires. One can argue that excessive materialism only affects those who can afford their expenses. They claim that small groups of people, usually being “the 1%”, have a problem with spending money on items that they don’t require. They figure if they have enough money to support their useless purchases, it should not be a problem. And although this may be true in some cases, such as very wealthy rappers or celebrities in entertainment, the rise of excessive materialism is growing among young teenagers and adults that can’t afford the Items they are purchasing.

Young managers will go to the extent of stealing their own parents’ cash to buy high-end fashion clothes, accessories, games, and anything one can imagine. A story of a young girl named Dee in Champagne Taste, Beer Budget explains an incident where she withdrew $1 ,600 out of her mother’s saving account she had set up for her just to satisfy her fix of buying materialistic fashion items. Her mother says, “Delia, you’re turning into a lunatic, giving all your hard-earned money to multimillionaires! (Cleveland 279). And she simply responds, “Mama, you’re behind the times. ” I was looking fly, and that was all that mattered. (Cleveland 279). The amount of people in America that can’t support their purchases outweigh those who can, which is most likely the main reason America is currently 59 Trillion dollars in debt. The most frightening aspect of this issue is that even the wealthiest superstars, celebrities, high-key athletes, and figures even go flat broke or have problems with the IRS.

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These figures In American society become so obsessed with the fact that they can spend all this money without ever running out of It. This Isn’t true obviously, as there are a striking amount of people currently who have gone from millions, to 50 cents (no pun Intended). The most shocking discoveries of those who have lost everything have lately been throughout NFG Football players. Players like Warren Sapp, Lawrence Taylor, Deuce McAllister, Samara’s Russell, Tike Barber, Mark Brunets, Chris McAlister, Terrible Owens, and even Michael Vicki.

These downfalls have not been restricted to only the NFG, as other athletes Like Mike Tyson and Bill Buckler have filed for bankruptcy as well. The main problem these people face is that they buy all these materials they think can afford, but eventually the money catches up to them and their purchases, and everything is gone. To another profession, the most well now rapper to lose almost everything is MAC Hammer. He’s most known for his hit “U Can’t Touch This”, which amassed $30 million In the early sass’s, however he was careless with his money.

He purchased a $1 million mansion with over 200 people materialistic personality led him to file for bankruptcy in 1996 with over $13 million in Moving onward, the next problem excessive materialists face is putting material items before personal or self-relationships. A prime example of this can also be seen in Champagne Taste, Beer Budget, when Deed’s addiction gets so bad her mother has to transfer her to another school.