ID Farmer’s right to choose ID Transparent mechanism 10 Improve the knowledge and skills ID New market 2. Are we proportioning IT investments and targeting our development efforts in the right areas? Are we spending money efficiently and effectively? A pure trading product does not require much investment. The e-Copula model, in contrast, has required that TIC make significant investments to create and maintain its own IT network in rural India and to identify and train a local farmer to manage each e-Copula. 3.

Are our IT and business leaders capable of defining and executing IT- enabled strategies? Have we opened an effective dialogue among business executives, IT executives, users, and partners? The IT system has had a positive impact on people in terms of enhanced access to market, improved incomes, and increased bargaining power. It has also terminated the monopoly that traditional had before, where traders, agents and officers took advantage of their power to impose lower prices for the people products. 4. Does our IT platform enable our business to be both lean and agile?

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What percent-age of our IT-related activities are devoted to operating and maintaining “legacy” applications versus enabling business growth and strategy execution? From this case study we can know farmers can use the computer to access daily closing prices on local, as well as to track global price trends or find information about new farming techniques. They also use the e-Chopin to order seed, fertilizer, and other products such as consumer goods from TIC or its partners, at prices lower than those available from village traders.

Farmer’s benefit from more accurate weighing, faster processing time, and prompt payment, and from access to a wide range of information, including accurate arrest price knowledge, and market trends, which help them decide when, where, and at what price to sell. 5. Are we managing IT assets and infrastructure efficiently and effectively? Is leader-ship of IT activities appropriately delegated? Do we have the right business and IT leaders, given our goals for its use?

For the profit, Uses of CIT model can increase business growth in raw materials and sales, it can also get quality improvement. With earnings increase by costs reduced. For the social effect, IT increase farmers’ interests, reduce the risk of farmers, production processes to reduce maternity leave, educing business fraud in, provide high quality seeds and improve the international competitiveness of India. And there have development potential to establish direct contact with suppliers and consumers, establish contact with the rural community platform. . Are we organized to identify, evaluate, and assimilate IT-enabled business innovations? Are we missing windows of opportunity to exploit emerging technologies and business models? Innovation is represented by the fact that chinchillas (computer operators) allow farmers to use technology even though they are computer illiterate. Chinchillas act as agents for TIC and allow farmers to purchase inputs and services through Internet. The Chinchillas are compensated by TIC for their services. . Is our IT infrastructure sufficiently insulated against the risks of a major operational disaster? Are the appropriate security, privacy, and risk management systems in place to ensure “always on” and “always up” service? Risks are the con natural habit inadvertently changes and people cannot understand the new operation model. Next is legal problem and costs problem. After that is the problem of illiteracy, distrust and suspicion, technical risk.