Hypothesis testing is a form of research that is used to show how a certain issue will end or how the researcher(s) think the issue will end in the environment that it is situated. The testing will show that even though an answer may form, it does not prove the answer is correct secondary to the fact that there can me many factors that could change the outcome; this is where researchers can use probability rates of five or one percent.

In understanding hypothesis testing, it must be known what the difference between null and research hypothesis means. A null hypothesis attempts to show that there is no variation between variables or that a single variable is actually no different from zero. A null hypothesis is what the researcher attempts to disprove, reject, or nullify. The research hypothesis is the specific testable predictions made about the independent and dependent variables inside the study. With the research hypothesis, it matches what the searcher(s) is attempting to prove true inside the problem or issue.

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Hypothesis testing inside statistics pushes the traditional acceptances of trying to prove a correct hypothesis. With hypothesis testing, it is a matter Of accepting what has already been presented and the testing verifies what is to true. With this presentation, we are seeking to find a commonality in why individuals join the United States Navy. The issue that we have brought to the testing table is, “to find out if the number one reason active duty Navy personnel join the Navy is financial stability.

In forming this issue to build a hypothesis on, we will focus on numerical values to present data to quench the answer of the issue. Research Issue Team A has decided to look at the issue of Navy personnel have joined the Navy. Our hunch is that the number one reason is for financial stability. We sought to answer this question by asking a group of active duty Ana personnel to offer the number one reasons they have joined the Navy. There is the belief that for many the number one reason to join the Navy for reasons other than financial stability.

Our research hypothesis seeks uncover he probability that the number one reason for joining the Navy is for financial reasons rather than not for financial reasons. The sample consisted of sixteen enlisted sailors and seven naval officers totaling a number of twenty-three active duty members. There Were eleven females and ten males with ages ranging from nineteen to fifty seven years old. The gender break down for the sample group was eleven females and ten males. Verbal and Numerical Hypothesis Statement The verbal research hypothesis is the number one reason active duty personnel join the Navy is for financial stability.

The null hypothesis, the null difference, is that the number one reason for people joining the Navy is not for financial stability. Another way of phrasing the research hypothesis is that it is highly unlikely that the number one reason active duty personnel join the Navy is not financial stability. The numerical hypothesis statement is that there are two populations to consider, that is, the first population is active duty Navy personnel who joined for financial stability and the second population is active duty Nag,y personnel who joined not for financial stability.

Eight out of the twenty-three active duty personnel stated that the number one reason they joined the Navy was for financial stability, three stated it was to serve their country, three stated it was for family heritage reasons, three stated it was to minister to others, two stated it was to get away from their current situation, travel, community, search and rescue, freedom all got one vote for the number one reason. The mean was 2. 44 and the standard deviation was 2. 11 For population one there was eight votes for financial stability and for population two there were fifteen votes not for financial seasons.

However, if you looked just at the enlisted sailors seven out of sixteen stated their number one reason for joining was for financial stability. For the officers one of the seven stated it was for financial stability. P [join for financial stability] denotes the probability that navy personnel joined for financial stability. P [join for financial stability] did not occur I-P [join for financial stability]. Five Step Hypothesis Testing Breaking down the explanation of the five steps of hypothesis testing to evaluate solutions for this issue are shown below.

Restate the question as a research hypothesis and a null hypothesis about the populations. Research hypothesis: “It is likely that the number one reason active duty personnel join the Navy is for financial stability. ” Or reworded, “It is highly unlikely that the number one reason active duty Navy personnel join the Navy is not financial stability. ” Null hypothesis: The number one reason active duty Navy personnel join the Navy is not for financial stability. Population 1: Active duty Navy personnel who joined for financial stability Population 2: Active duty

Navy personnel who joined not for financial stability 2 Determine the characteristics of the comparison distribution. In this research study we are unable to support the null hypothesis or reject the statement that most Navy personnel join the Navy for Financial stability. We have concluded in our research that only 33% of the members sun,’eyed joined for financial stability but this is not significant enough to suggest that is in fact the number one reason. 3 Determine the cutoff score on the comparison distribution at which the null hypothesis should be rejected.

The result extreme enough that would allow us to consider the research topic would have to be the 90% of the population surveyed answer that their number one reason for joining was in fact financial stability. This would allow us to gather a random individual sample and as him what his number one reason for joining was. If this person answer that financial stability was hi number one reason for joining then we could set our cutoff sample score at 5% to consider it statistically significant and reject the null hypothesis. 4 Determine your sample score on the comparison distribution.

The probability of surveying one more member and compare it to our data and suggest that this will support our research hypothesis is complicated given our level of distribution and lack of substantial and supporting data.