If properly conducted, a survey of public opinion popularly called a poll can capture the opinions of 300 million citizens by intent reviewing as few as 1,500 of them. Random sampling: Method of selecting from a population in which each person has an equal probability Of being selected. NO poll, whatever it ask and however word deed, can provide us with a reasonably accurate measure of how people think or feel UN less the persons polled are a random sample of the entire population, meaning that a NY given voter or adult has an equal chance of being interviewed.

Sampling error: The difference between the results of random samples taken at the same time. For example, if one random sample shows that 70 percent of all A Americans approve of the way the president is handling hajjis, and another random as ample taken at the same time shows that 65 percent do, the sampling error is 5 percent. Exit polls: Polls based on interviews conducted on Election Day with randomly selected voters. Since 1952 every major poll has in fact picked the winner of the preside entail election.

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Likewise, exit polls, interviews with randomly selected voters conduct De at polling places On election day in a representative sample Of voting districts, ha eve proven quite accurate. Political colonization: Process by which background traits influence one’s political views. Studies tell us that people with certain characteristics in common some times hold certain political beliefs in common. By no means do people with similar or eve n virtually identical family histories, religious affiliations, formal educations, or job expert encase think or vote exactly the same way on all or most issues.

But political colonization t he recess by which personal and other background traits influence one’s views about politics and government matters. It is behind the fact that children tend to SSH are their parents’ political orientations and party affiliations. Elite: People who have a disproportionate amount of some valued resource.