The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Do you agree or disagree? The expression “Never, never give up” means to keep trying and never stop working for your goals. Some people really believe In this and live their lives trying their best to get to their goals.

Other people give up really easy. Personally I agree with the statement with this statement. Len the allowing paragraphs I will express some of my reasons and examples that makes me to agree with this expression. I believe with my whole heart that life would be really boring If we would not have dreams and goals to fallow. So, If we have a big goal In our life what wouldn’t we do everything we can to make It happened.

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The easiest thing we can do is to have an optimistic approach and “never, never give up”. For instance a weak after me and my husband meet for the first time, my husband told me he would like to have a serious relationship with me for marriage. L told him ” that s not possible” a lot of times but he never, never give up on me and now we are so happy that he didn’t. We got married after one year and this became a dream come true for both of us!

An other reason that can make us keep trying and never stop working for your goals and “never, never give up” is the regrets that could come if we would give up easy. Life is good and we should enjoy every minute of it. Working hard for our goals will bring us Joy,happiness and satisfaction in the end. Elf we will give up that the rest of our lives we will live with regrets saying “that maybe it would have appended if we would have never, never give up”. Living a life of regrets is not fun so I prefer to keep working for my goals.

In conclusion I would say that life is a journey and we can make it a great one if we are set up goals and if we keep trying and never stop working for your goals which means “never,never give up”. An other quote says ” everything is possible if you believe”. I really believe that we could make a great motto for our lives and combine these two expression by saying “never, never give up because everything is possible if you believe”.