It was a hot sunny day, when I finally took my kids to the Disney Land. My son Matthew and my daughter Durra endlessly asked me to show them the dream land of many children with Mackey Mouse and Snow-white walking by and arousing a huge portion of emotions. Somehow these fairy tale creatures can make children happy without such “small” presents as $100 Leg or a Barb’s house in 6 rooms and garden furniture. Therefore, I thought that Disney Land was a good Invention for loving parents.

However, I can ensure anybody that Disney can turn out to be a remarkable lace for adults too. Two years have already passed, but I still can not forget my experience at the roller coaster with a mysterious name “Space Mountain”. Tired of the smell of sweet popcorn and heroically washing the Ice-cream off Durra pink dress, I decided to change the settings. Along with Durra, Mathew pleaded to go to the roller coaster, and, having no other better Idea, I finally had to give up. I thought that my wife would be proud of me.

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Besides, I have never had such an experience before, and thought of having such a ride was quite Intriguing. However, when I saw this big “Mountain”, the first signs of doubt started to appear in my confused conscience. A man at the age of 30, I felt terrified by the thought that we have to ride down. It is inhuman, suicidal experience… I would have felt much better if we set down in the cafe and ate ice-cream. I thought about my children and looked at Mat. To my surprise, he was too preoccupied with “Space Mountain” to be worried about life safety.

I also took a moment to appreciate the courage of Durra, who light- heartedly followed Mat. Finally, I rejected all doubt and climbed into this “killing machine”, where well qualified Disney personnel checked the safety belts, encouraged the suicides, I mean all who wanted to increase their adrenaline level, and wished a pleasant ride. At that moment, the only person that looked exited was Matthew. As for Durra, her eyes were full of fear, and once again I could not decide for myself whether I did right or not.

The only thing that I new for sure was that my blood turned cold and I could not stop thinking that this entire mechanism could reek in a second. So, there was nothing a man could do but close his eyes and quickly leave the place of torture. I heard other people scream and even laugh, but could not make a sound myself. When I opened my eyes, I understood that Durra fully shared my feelings. And unfortunately even more. In several minutes, looking at my poor daughter, I thought that pop corn and Ice cream was far not the worst thing. Especially, if kept inside…

I was somehow no longer proud of myself as I could not get id of the thought that I did something wrong again. Narrative Essay By Elaborateness furniture. Therefore, I thought that Disney Land was a good invention for loving the smell of sweet popcorn and heroically washing the ice-cream off Drag’s pink the roller coaster, and, having no other better idea, I finally had to give up. I thought before, and thought of having such a ride was quite intriguing. However, when I saw my poor daughter, I thought that pop corn and ice cream was far not the worst thing.