Every 14th day of July is your most awaited day. But this year, it’s different. It’s the day that you are of legal age; ready to face the world of reality. You’re eighteen. You’re older now. Life would be more complicated than usual; more struggles to face, more problems to solve. But let us think positive. You have more years to live. Mummy. I don’t know what to say ‘cozy wall Jud OK expect nag apple kooks Among 18 candles. I thought waylay cards, but then Ana so dill OK kayo prepared. Angelina OK nuns aka ma-say. Bloat, tee Maraca, salaams as Tanana. Thank you Kay nasally TA.

Thank you Kay nacelles TA “gamma”. Thank you Kay Ana RA aka every time Callaghan TA aka. Mao thankful kayo OK NIMH. I feel so lucky nag IMO OK gapping as 18 candles. Basis Duggan aka GU girlfriends, wall OK NIMH national. As in inappropriate gut too naked. Salaams tutor. Also, I’m sorry for my flaws as a friend. I’m not the perfect friend you’ve wanted. I know that you have so many friends to keep you instead of me, but I want you to know that you’ll always have someone to run to when you need to. Gung WA Kay aka- talk, did RA OK. Gung WA Kay aka-lag, did RA bud OK.

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Gung WA Kay mammalian, did RA bud OK. Amity man OK NIMH gut. Love you tee Car. Happy 18th Birthday! Good luck as studies and God bless. Happy birthday to you. On your 18th year, I wish you all the best in life. 18 years had passed and I know you had some challenges that you have successfully overcame. I hope that you will remain strong in whatever challenges you may encounter in the future. Always remember that I will be here if you need help. I also pray that you will continue to be happy. Another year was added and I know many changes will happen but our friendship will never change.

As you also enter another chapter of your life, may you continue to dream and may you also succeed. I wish you all the best and I love you always. Debut message By hayfield Mummy. I don’t know what to say ‘cozy wall Jud OK expect nag pail kooks among 18 candles. I thought waylay cards, but then Ana so dill OK kayo prepared. Anglican OK nuns aka Biota, tee Maraca, salaams as Tanana. Thank you Kay Nagasaki TA. Thank you Kay nacelles TA “gamma’. Thank you Kay Ana RA aka every time shanghaiing TA aka. Mao Also, I’m sorry for my flaws as a friend. I’m not the perfect friend you’ve wanted.