On Thursday, March 26, 201 5, Matt Hullabaloo came to Longed university In Verifiable, Virginia. While at Longed Hammiest, performed at the Chamber Music Series, he titles his performance the “Bach Listening-Room. ” The compositions performed by Hammiest were Fancy on a Bach Air by John Carolingian, Suit V in C Minor by Johann Sebastian Bach, Orbit by Philip Glass, and Suit VI in D Major by Ionian Sebastian Bach. Hammiest played these pieces on a 17th century cello that “as set up exactly as it would have been in that time period, I feel that because

Hammiest played on this select cello the way the music was presented was more authentic and close to the way it would have been played in the sass’s some of the pieces he played were either composed on that time period or derived from other musical pieces from the century. Humorist’s first piece Fancy on a Bach Air was very adagio. It sounded very melancholy and sad. While Hammiest played this piece he swayed back and forth Kith his cello to express the longing aurora the composition portrayed. The next composition Suit V in C Minor was another very deep and depressing piece.

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I found this piece interesting because Hammiest mentioned that he has changed the tuning of his cello for this composition. These tuning adjustments made the piece sound more authentic. Orbit the first piece played after intermission showed a more expressive side of Hammiest. This composition was filled with beautiful dynamic changed, whereas the two pieces before were very straight with little expression. In Hailstorm’s ending piece of the night he changed cellos. He switched too cello piccolo a smaller cello with a higher sounding pitch, which was also set up Like a 17th entry baroque cello.

Slut VI In Dammar played on this Instrument was a very happy and allegro composition with flowing feeling. I felt this was a great way to end for Hullabaloo to end his concert. Overall, I enjoyed this hearing Matt Hullabaloo perform his selection of baroque piece. He received a well-deserved standing ovation from the audience. I would go to see Hammiest perform again to hear what other compositions he plays that are much different from what was heard on this night. Matt Hammiest ay Raven-Brannon Music Theory Chamber Music Series: Matt Hammiest

Matt Hammiest is cellist who started his solo career at the early age of 13 with Cabin Meta and Israel Philharmonic. In the sass’s Humiliation began to take his love of Bach cello compositions in his “Listening-Room”, to clubs in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom. These efforts to make himself well-known graced him with some great awards including a Junco Award and a Grammar for best classical On Thursday, March 26, 201 5, Matt Hammiest came to Longed University in Nas set up exactly as it would have been in that time period, I feel that because

Ninth his cello to express the longing aurora the composition portrayed. The next Changed, whereas the two pieces before were very straight with little expression. In Humorist’s ending piece of the night he changed cellos. He switched to a cello piccolo a smaller cello with a higher sounding pitch, which was also set up like a 17th century baroque cello. Suit VI in Dammar played on this instrument was a very happy Hammiest to end his concert.